Archive for November, 2010


I won’t bother explaining the song stuck in my head right now

November 16, 2010

I’ve had this sitting around on my desktop for several days now. You know how it goes: It only takes about five minutes to get a basic blog post up, so what’s the big deal?

The answers, of course, are myriad, but those aren’t actually important now.

Never mind. Just read Steve Almond’s “Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hurt”, which Stephen Elliott describes as a “gorgeous homage”.

And while I’m at it, I’ll just try to pick a fight. You people who say, “a historian”, or “a historical fact”? Go for it. Say “a homage”. Make it work. Change the world. I dare you.

(See, those five minutes or so can be dangerous if you let them be.)



Finally, real website solutions for writers

November 2, 2010

A writer without a cool, feature-rich website is likely a writer without many readers. But learning how to create a dynamic, professionally polished website that can take advantage of the many tools freely available to help authors better reach their audience and build their brand can be time consuming, frustrating, expensive, or all three.

As announced at our LA8 event in September, SCWC webmaster and popular workshop leader Jeremy Lee James has introduced a new service for writers and other indie-creatives who want a super-simple, affordable way to launch and maintain a quality, feature-rich website with minimal brain damage. Called Write Click Hosting, check it out here and have your own slick, writerly website up for your readers in a matter of minutes.



Word counts by genre

November 2, 2010

Can’t seem to find where this came from, but it’s well worth the read. From Colleen Lindsay, former agent now with Penguin Group.

Last week I sat down with two fiction editors and hammered out a more comprehensive list of suggested word counts by genre & sub-genre. As you read through this, keep in mind three important things: 1.) these are suggested word counts; rules get broken all the time; 2.) these suggested word counts will most often apply to debut writers; successfully published authors are the ones who end up breaking the rules, and 3.) if you are planning to e-publish only, and your book will never be printed out on actual paper, these guidelines aren’t nearly as important.

Read the rest of this entry ?



November 2, 2010

Please tell me you voted today.

No, there are no endorsements, recommendations, or campaigns that go here.

Just vote. It’s not too late. There’s still time.

That’s our word of the day: Vote!